Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello There..

Well its official. I'm a terrible blogger!!
I am trying to be better though.
I have a new tumblr for you guys to check out!
if you follow me, i'll follow you!

yes, the name is odd. Coconut is my nickname and it has been for awhile so i decided to use that.
check it out!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Another Quick Update

Well, my birthday was last tuesday, now i feel old. School is going well, except for the fact that i'm at home sick. Symphony is going very well, our concert is coming up soon. I can't wait to start on next year's 4h projects! Ballroom class started last week, i'm so happy to be dancing again!

till next time,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Quick Update

School is going well, but it is only the second week. We'll see how this year goes. This term I'm taking English 101, so far so good, but it just started today.

I finally got pictures up on my other blog if you wanna take a look..

Thursday, September 1, 2011

End Of Summer Update

Hello to all of my readers from all over the world!
 Yes, I know, I am a very lazy blogger, I haven't done a post in a month!

Well here's how my summer went,
In July I took a trip to Hollywood to the set of America's Got Talent to help out my uncle, the Rhinestone Roper.  Although my uncle's show did not make it to the next round, it was a great experience and we all had a great time. In August I took a trip to a camp on the Oregon Coast! It's one of my favorite places to be and my friends and I all had a great time. I didn't even get to go home after my Oregon trip! My friends dropped me off at the Portland International Airport and I was headed to the City Of Country Music, Nashville, Tennessee. I was in Nashville working for my uncle (The Rhinestone Roper) for two weeks. Then, after a few long flights, I was back in Idaho. Then the next day it was time time for the Gooding County Fair!!
I always love going to the fair. My brother and I both showed pigs this year and I did very well!! I took second in fitting in showing (where they judge how you show your animal) and second in quality (where they judge the quality of your animal.) Every year, we have the market animal sale, where all the 4H and FFA members sell their animal to willing buyers. This year prices were high, and all the members made a very good profit from their projects.
I would like to thank my 2011 buyer Louie Davenport. Thank you for supporting the Gooding County Fair and the National FFA Organization. 
Mr. Davenport bought my pig for $4.00 per pound! (my pig weighed in at 285lbs! You do the math)

Well, school is just around the corner, it starts next Tuesday! I can't believe that summer is already over!

I'll try to be a better blogger and post more often

Until then,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July to all my viewers here in the United States!
I'll be sure to keep y'all (you all) updated on anything exciting happening in my life, which is nothing at the moment.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Update!!

Well hello there everyone!!
How is everyone's summer going?
My summer has been so busy!!  I've been very busy with swim team, church stuff, and being a teen =]
All my 4-h/FFA animals are doing very well and i'm happy to say that i'm raising two orphaned piglets and both of them are doing absolutely great!This summer i have also been very busy working for my uncle that you may or may not have seen on the show America's Got Talent. 

This summer i have also been very busy working for my uncle that you may or may not have seen on the show America's Got Talent.

I am also very excited to say that I will be traveling to Flagstaff, AZ and Los Angeles, CA next month.
But...I am even more excited to say that I am getting paid to go to PARIS, FRANCE sometime in late august,  and/or early september.

I would also like to thank all my viewers! I can't believe that I have so many!
Till next time,

PS- If you have any questions for me, feel free to email me at