Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quite the Musical Weekend

My weekend so far has been great! I've been at home all day watching the musicals American Idiot, Once on This Island, Cats, and Wicked. I have also been playing the piano, and listening to my brother play his cello. Sadly, I forgot to bring my bass home so I don't get to practice this weekend =[
But, I did get to practice singing!
Yesterday after my lesson, I was shaking alot and my singing teacher said that I got high from singing? I have no idea what that means...
Mr. Lofgran (singing teacher) said that our little singing group (Crystal, Debra, Kacie, Mary, Deili (pronounced day-lee), Tyler, and Myself) are ready ready to start performing to get ourselves used to singing in front of people. 

The Super Bowl is tomorrow, I'm undecided over who I want to win. 

Well, I'm off to play the piano some more!

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