Saturday, March 5, 2011

Amazing Weekend!!!

So this week has been sooooooo stressful, but I finally got done with all my finals and next week I get to go back to ag class! Woohoo!

Last night I went to my friend's sweet sixteen dance, it was awesome!! I'll see if i can get pictures up, but no promises. I ended up with glowstick juice and highlighter all over me and in my eye (which hurts a lot), i also ended up with frosting on my face and in my hair (gross). But anywho, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!!!

I drove in Twin Falls for the first time today!!!! I almost had a heart attack, but it was fun.

This week I also found out that my Grandma's boyfriend was the mayor of Stockon, Utah.....where ever that is..

Track officially starts on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!

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