Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Update

Top reasons why these past 3 weeks have sucked:
#1. Preparation for finals
#2. I am super angry with my best friend for not talking to me for the past 3 weeks straight.

There was an awesome ending to my sucky weeks though! On Friday, my friends and I went snowboarding in the best powder in the state! In most places on the mountain I couldn't even see the tops of my boots! But, after that fun day my legs feel like they are going to fall off. 
Last week one of my friends from camp (Lizzy) asked me to her school's homecoming ceremony. We went to TFCA's homecoming and little bit late, but according to the principle, we made a very fashionable entrance right as Lizzy won 2 awards. After the ceremony we headed over to Canyon Crest. We had chicken cordon bleu, which was very yummy (its chicken stuffed with ham and swiss cheese and then baked). I thought that there was going to be a dance, but Lizzy told me that since her school is Baptist, they don't believe in dancing? Anywho, we had a great time. Ya know what would be the BEST ending to my amazing weekend? If my best friend started talking to me again =D !! So, if my best friend happens to read this.....hint hint.

                                      FFA UPDATE!
Starting March 3rd, I get to go back to Ag class!!! I couldn't go during the winter because I really dislike riding my bike in the snow (I have to ride across town to GHS from NVA). I can't wait to go back!! 
I hope that my team will do as well as we did earlier this year. We were one of the Western National Range Champ teams! 

I'll try to get some 4-h stuff up later.

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