Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kinda a blah day

Today was kinda fun. I got to sleep in an extra hour, so I was late to 1st period (physics). But I needed the sleep. Did you know that the average teenager only gets 6.5 hours of sleep?
Mid terms are tomorrow....blah
At least I have performance ballroom rehearsal tonight, that should be fun.
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!! FINALLY!!!
I'm getting a new Xbox on Saturday, on Monday Crystal and I are gonna play halo and zombies!!!
(and whoop my little brother)

So today I got an email from one of my camp friends!! I miss all of them sooo much! They really need to email me more often.

I have my rabbit cage all set up, now I just need a rabbit to fill it! I may be going to pick my rabbit up this weekend, but I don't know for sure yet (i hope so).

I've decided to do a song of the day thing so here it goes...How To Save A Life- The Fray

I'd also like to thank my viewers for all the views I've gotten in the first week of having this blog.

Well, I'm gonna go and do my homework now (blah)

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