Saturday, January 22, 2011

weekend update

Its FINALLY the weekend, I have absolutely nothing to do but whine on my blog (obviously).

I redboxed "Easy A", its a good movie, but it is rather perverted.
I finally got all of my apps and music back on my ipod after my little brother unintentionally erased everything while I was in the process of getting the new ios4 update.

This past week(s) has/have been kinda sad,
reason #1: one of my best friends is not talking to me (i have no idea why, he just stopped)
reason #2: midterms suck
reason #3: i miss my best friend

"If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as I see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are."
                               ~B.A. Billingsly~

i feel very cheesy now, yuck. 

I hate it when best friends don't talk to each other, but c'est la vie. (say la vee) (google it)

cheesy again!!! icky

I'm just gonna stop right here before I say something pathetic (again)

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