Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Daily Schedule

Here's how my day usually goes:
6:30am: Wake up, trip across my room, fall up the stairs
6:45am: Shower, Get dressed, Brush my teeth
6:55am: Check email
7:00am: Eat (if I have time)
7:15am: Feed the horses and other animals
7:20am: Walk out to meet the bus
7:25-30am: Bus comes
8:00am: School starts
3:20pm: School Ends
4:00: Go home
4:30-6:15pm: Homework
Tuesday-6:30pm: Leave for symphony rehearsal 7:30-9:30pm: rehearsal 10:15pm: get home 10:20: Dinner 10:30pm: email/ bed time
Wednesday: 6:45-8:30pm: Puppet practice 8:45pm: dinner/email 9:15pm: bed time
Thursday- 7:00-9:00pm: ballroom rehearsal 9:15pm: dinner/email 9:30pm: bed time

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