Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello There..

Well its official. I'm a terrible blogger!!
I am trying to be better though.
I have a new tumblr for you guys to check out!
if you follow me, i'll follow you!

yes, the name is odd. Coconut is my nickname and it has been for awhile so i decided to use that.
check it out!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Another Quick Update

Well, my birthday was last tuesday, now i feel old. School is going well, except for the fact that i'm at home sick. Symphony is going very well, our concert is coming up soon. I can't wait to start on next year's 4h projects! Ballroom class started last week, i'm so happy to be dancing again!

till next time,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Quick Update

School is going well, but it is only the second week. We'll see how this year goes. This term I'm taking English 101, so far so good, but it just started today.

I finally got pictures up on my other blog if you wanna take a look..

Thursday, September 1, 2011

End Of Summer Update

Hello to all of my readers from all over the world!
 Yes, I know, I am a very lazy blogger, I haven't done a post in a month!

Well here's how my summer went,
In July I took a trip to Hollywood to the set of America's Got Talent to help out my uncle, the Rhinestone Roper.  Although my uncle's show did not make it to the next round, it was a great experience and we all had a great time. In August I took a trip to a camp on the Oregon Coast! It's one of my favorite places to be and my friends and I all had a great time. I didn't even get to go home after my Oregon trip! My friends dropped me off at the Portland International Airport and I was headed to the City Of Country Music, Nashville, Tennessee. I was in Nashville working for my uncle (The Rhinestone Roper) for two weeks. Then, after a few long flights, I was back in Idaho. Then the next day it was time time for the Gooding County Fair!!
I always love going to the fair. My brother and I both showed pigs this year and I did very well!! I took second in fitting in showing (where they judge how you show your animal) and second in quality (where they judge the quality of your animal.) Every year, we have the market animal sale, where all the 4H and FFA members sell their animal to willing buyers. This year prices were high, and all the members made a very good profit from their projects.
I would like to thank my 2011 buyer Louie Davenport. Thank you for supporting the Gooding County Fair and the National FFA Organization. 
Mr. Davenport bought my pig for $4.00 per pound! (my pig weighed in at 285lbs! You do the math)

Well, school is just around the corner, it starts next Tuesday! I can't believe that summer is already over!

I'll try to be a better blogger and post more often

Until then,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July to all my viewers here in the United States!
I'll be sure to keep y'all (you all) updated on anything exciting happening in my life, which is nothing at the moment.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Update!!

Well hello there everyone!!
How is everyone's summer going?
My summer has been so busy!!  I've been very busy with swim team, church stuff, and being a teen =]
All my 4-h/FFA animals are doing very well and i'm happy to say that i'm raising two orphaned piglets and both of them are doing absolutely great!This summer i have also been very busy working for my uncle that you may or may not have seen on the show America's Got Talent. 

This summer i have also been very busy working for my uncle that you may or may not have seen on the show America's Got Talent.

I am also very excited to say that I will be traveling to Flagstaff, AZ and Los Angeles, CA next month.
But...I am even more excited to say that I am getting paid to go to PARIS, FRANCE sometime in late august,  and/or early september.

I would also like to thank all my viewers! I can't believe that I have so many!
Till next time,

PS- If you have any questions for me, feel free to email me at

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hey Readers!

Hello Readers!

Here's a quick update--
My ballroom dance team took superior at the Canyon Rim Dance Classic (Dancers For Cancer)
My 4H and FFA projects are going well, the Gooding FFA Chapter banquet is on Wednesday..

more updates to come!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hello Readers!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!
I'm excited to say that I only have 5 weeks of school left until summer!!! Then I get my braces off!!!
I'm so nervous for my symphony concert this week, and on top of that I have a dance competition too!! This is gonna be a busy week,,,.........
I have to wear a bow tie for the concert, I have never worn one before.

So yeah, thats whats on my mind today!

Monday, April 4, 2011

First International View!!!

I've gotten my first international view!!!! It was by my friend Sofy in Russia!

I've also found that people have been Google-ing my blog! That's great! People actually want to read my blog!
Thanks Readers!!!!!

CAMS!! (LOL to Katy B if she is reading this)

Updates, Updates, Updates...

Hey readers!!!

So since my last update I've gotten a job. I work for Etchart Farm as a farmhand. I get to work with all kinds of animals AND I get to use a four-wheeler to do my work. I love my job.
Yesterday while I was working, a bunch of lambs got out of the lamb shed, so I spent an hour wrangling them back in. After that, some piglets managed to escape out of a different shed, so I had to get those guys back in too.

Have any of my readers read the book Water For Elephants by Sarah Gruen? If you haven't, its an absolutely amazing book!! I don't recommended it for young readers because it is a bit graphic and it uses bad language. I can't wait to see the movie, it comes out on the 22nd.

My uncle gets to be on America's Got Talent! I work for my uncle's show during the summer, so I may get to go see or even help out during his act. Fingers crossed!!   <<<My uncle's web site.

The Idaho State FFA Convention is this week!!! I'll be competing!!! I can't wait!!!  I also will most likely be going to lagoon once school gets out, I can't wait to go again! I was going to take my foreign exchange student, but he kinda had to go back to china (he was a little crazy). It will be fun no matter what!

For those of you who don't know, I am on a performing ballroom dancing team. There is an annual competition at the end of the month (Canyon Rim Dance Classic, aka Dancers for Cancer), and I can't wait for it! Last year my team took Superior Awards for both of our dances and we got High Point! I can't wait to see how we do at Dancers For Cancer this year! We'll be doing a ChaCha/Rumba, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz. I'll try to post videos of the dances later.

This year I might also be raising a show lamb! Fingers crossed again!!

More updates to come!

PS> The song of the day is the song that my dance team dances our competition chacha to, (but not the glee verion)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yes, the song of the day is a Glee cover. What can I say, I must admit that I like Glee.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spanish Post!!!

Como usted puede o no sabe, tengo una edad (adoptado) hermana. Ella es deMéxico. Ella es la razón por la que he aprendido español. Pero de todos modos, a la actualización semanal.

Carmen is on the right

La práctica de pista comenzó el lunes! No puedo decirle cómo estoy dolorida.
Final ha ido bien, excepto por lo de mi profesor de matemáticas de perder algunos de mis trabajos.

He empezado a ver el programa de televisión Glee, y debo decir que no es tan malo.
También he empezado a ver pastel Boss, me encanta ese programa!

He empezado a volver a Gooding High School para la clase de agricultura, y estoymuy muy muy feliz de estar de vuelta en Ag! Este trimestre que estarán compitiendo en manejo de viveros.

Estoy muy emocionado de comenzar la competencia del equipo de natación tantopara mi escuela y el equipo de Gooding!

Más 4H y FFA cosas por venir!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Amazing Weekend!!!

So this week has been sooooooo stressful, but I finally got done with all my finals and next week I get to go back to ag class! Woohoo!

Last night I went to my friend's sweet sixteen dance, it was awesome!! I'll see if i can get pictures up, but no promises. I ended up with glowstick juice and highlighter all over me and in my eye (which hurts a lot), i also ended up with frosting on my face and in my hair (gross). But anywho, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!!!

I drove in Twin Falls for the first time today!!!! I almost had a heart attack, but it was fun.

This week I also found out that my Grandma's boyfriend was the mayor of Stockon, Utah.....where ever that is..

Track officially starts on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So, I was browsing around YouTube and I discovered a quite interesting video blogger. Username charlieissocool like.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

National FFA Week!!

It's National FFA Week! 

Founded in 1928, the Future Farmers of America brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. In Kansas City's Baltimore Hotel, 33 young farmboys charted a course for the future. They could not have foreseen how the organization would grow and thrive.

Since 1928, millions of agriculture students - no one knows exactly how many - have donned the official FFA jacket and championed the FFA creed. FFA has opened its doors and its arms to minorities and women, ensuring that all students could reap the benefits of agricultural education.

Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership,personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Now, the organization is expanding the nation's view of "traditional" agriculture and finding new ways to infuse agriculture into the classroom.

National FFA Week: February 19 -26, 2011

FFA Week gives members a chance to educate the public about agriculture. During the week, chapters host teacher appreciation breakfasts, conduct "Ag Olympics" competitions, speak to the public about agriculture, volunteer for community service projects and more.

The week of George Washington’s birthday was designated as National FFA Week in 1947 at a National FFA Board of Directors meeting. FFA Week always runs from Saturday to Saturday, and encompasses February 22, Washington’s birthday.

For my community service, I will be giving an Anti-Drunk Driving talk featuring the story of 
Jacqui Suburido, which proves that not everyone in a drunk driving accident dies.

This these are photographs before and after the crash.

To read Jacqui's whole story, please visit 

A world of thanks to the National FFA Organization

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Update

Top reasons why these past 3 weeks have sucked:
#1. Preparation for finals
#2. I am super angry with my best friend for not talking to me for the past 3 weeks straight.

There was an awesome ending to my sucky weeks though! On Friday, my friends and I went snowboarding in the best powder in the state! In most places on the mountain I couldn't even see the tops of my boots! But, after that fun day my legs feel like they are going to fall off. 
Last week one of my friends from camp (Lizzy) asked me to her school's homecoming ceremony. We went to TFCA's homecoming and little bit late, but according to the principle, we made a very fashionable entrance right as Lizzy won 2 awards. After the ceremony we headed over to Canyon Crest. We had chicken cordon bleu, which was very yummy (its chicken stuffed with ham and swiss cheese and then baked). I thought that there was going to be a dance, but Lizzy told me that since her school is Baptist, they don't believe in dancing? Anywho, we had a great time. Ya know what would be the BEST ending to my amazing weekend? If my best friend started talking to me again =D !! So, if my best friend happens to read this.....hint hint.

                                      FFA UPDATE!
Starting March 3rd, I get to go back to Ag class!!! I couldn't go during the winter because I really dislike riding my bike in the snow (I have to ride across town to GHS from NVA). I can't wait to go back!! 
I hope that my team will do as well as we did earlier this year. We were one of the Western National Range Champ teams! 

I'll try to get some 4-h stuff up later.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Week

This week has been okay.
I was home sick 2 days with the flu and I didn't get to finish my hot air balloon for physics. =[
 (yes, I'm a geek, I know).
This week I ordered sheet music for the song 21 Guns from the Broadway musical American Idiot. I'm excited to start working on it! I've also ordered a song by The Fray called How To Save A Life, it's sad but it's one of my favorite songs.
So tonight I went to a school dance. It sucked. There were only about 25 people there, they didn't play any good music to actually dance to, and my date left early because she got tired of the stupid music. On the upside, a bunch of us left early and went out for pizza; we had a great time!

My friend has stopped talking to me again. I'm not sure how well that will turn out..

I'm sooooo excited to go to 4-H winter camp, Teen Conference, and the T.A.L.K. Retreat!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quite the Musical Weekend

My weekend so far has been great! I've been at home all day watching the musicals American Idiot, Once on This Island, Cats, and Wicked. I have also been playing the piano, and listening to my brother play his cello. Sadly, I forgot to bring my bass home so I don't get to practice this weekend =[
But, I did get to practice singing!
Yesterday after my lesson, I was shaking alot and my singing teacher said that I got high from singing? I have no idea what that means...
Mr. Lofgran (singing teacher) said that our little singing group (Crystal, Debra, Kacie, Mary, Deili (pronounced day-lee), Tyler, and Myself) are ready ready to start performing to get ourselves used to singing in front of people. 

The Super Bowl is tomorrow, I'm undecided over who I want to win. 

Well, I'm off to play the piano some more!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Best Week Ever =D

This week has been the best ever!
Monday- No Homework, worked on physics project (plastic bottle rockets)
Tuesday-I got to go to Kiwi Loco (frozen yogurt) and symphony!
Wednesday- Jolt! (youth group breakfast at 6:45 in the a.m.) and God Squad (puppet practice)
Thursday- Ballroom (waltz, quick step, country swing, foxtrot and chacha)
Today I started singing with my government teacher/drama director/singing teacher and it was sooo much fun!! sang some Broadway tunes (stuff from Sweeney Todd, Cats, and My fair Lady.) Memory from Cats is my favorite one to sing.

The video is a bit gloomy, but I like the song.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Daily Schedule

Here's how my day usually goes:
6:30am: Wake up, trip across my room, fall up the stairs
6:45am: Shower, Get dressed, Brush my teeth
6:55am: Check email
7:00am: Eat (if I have time)
7:15am: Feed the horses and other animals
7:20am: Walk out to meet the bus
7:25-30am: Bus comes
8:00am: School starts
3:20pm: School Ends
4:00: Go home
4:30-6:15pm: Homework
Tuesday-6:30pm: Leave for symphony rehearsal 7:30-9:30pm: rehearsal 10:15pm: get home 10:20: Dinner 10:30pm: email/ bed time
Wednesday: 6:45-8:30pm: Puppet practice 8:45pm: dinner/email 9:15pm: bed time
Thursday- 7:00-9:00pm: ballroom rehearsal 9:15pm: dinner/email 9:30pm: bed time

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great Week (excluding today)

This past week has been great. I got my old hedgehog cage (yes, when I was little I had a hedgehog), cleaned it, and set it up in my room. Although I might have to get a bigger cage for my rabbit, I think it'll work for a little while.

Crystal came over on monday, we had an awesome time. I played a few rounds of Halo (I'm not very good at it, but at least I tried) and my little brother beat us every time. Symphony went great on tuesday, I'm a little nervous to meet the guest conductor though. We are playing Saint Saens Organ Symphony #3, Holberg Suite, and Norfolk Rhapsody.

                                                  Saint-Saens Organ Symphony #3

                                                  Holberg Suite Gavotte (3rd movement of 6)

                                            Norfolk Rhapsody No.1

God Squad practice went awesome, we're busy getting ready for our spring show and summer tour (this summer we will perform at least 10 shows in one week). I'm hoping we get to go up to Intermountain Christian Camp and do a show for 4-5 grade week.
                                               Promises are Promises and Facts are Facts (spring show 2010)
On monday, I was at PetSmart and I got to see the most adorable guide dog puppy! I don't remember his name, but he was little black lab.

This past sunday was the best day of my week. why? My best friend started talking to me again!!!
I excluded today in my great week because I either got food poisoning, the lactose intolerance thing is kicking in. I'm not sure which one (food poisoning and lactose reactions have the same symptoms).

My parents decided that I am going to be a teen leader for our 4-h club, I guess that the county wants another one. but, I get to go to 4-h teen conference!! And I get to be a counselor at two different camps this summer!

more rabbit related posts to come.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

weekend update

Its FINALLY the weekend, I have absolutely nothing to do but whine on my blog (obviously).

I redboxed "Easy A", its a good movie, but it is rather perverted.
I finally got all of my apps and music back on my ipod after my little brother unintentionally erased everything while I was in the process of getting the new ios4 update.

This past week(s) has/have been kinda sad,
reason #1: one of my best friends is not talking to me (i have no idea why, he just stopped)
reason #2: midterms suck
reason #3: i miss my best friend

"If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as I see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are."
                               ~B.A. Billingsly~

i feel very cheesy now, yuck. 

I hate it when best friends don't talk to each other, but c'est la vie. (say la vee) (google it)

cheesy again!!! icky

I'm just gonna stop right here before I say something pathetic (again)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kinda a blah day

Today was kinda fun. I got to sleep in an extra hour, so I was late to 1st period (physics). But I needed the sleep. Did you know that the average teenager only gets 6.5 hours of sleep?
Mid terms are tomorrow....blah
At least I have performance ballroom rehearsal tonight, that should be fun.
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!! FINALLY!!!
I'm getting a new Xbox on Saturday, on Monday Crystal and I are gonna play halo and zombies!!!
(and whoop my little brother)

So today I got an email from one of my camp friends!! I miss all of them sooo much! They really need to email me more often.

I have my rabbit cage all set up, now I just need a rabbit to fill it! I may be going to pick my rabbit up this weekend, but I don't know for sure yet (i hope so).

I've decided to do a song of the day thing so here it goes...How To Save A Life- The Fray

I'd also like to thank my viewers for all the views I've gotten in the first week of having this blog.

Well, I'm gonna go and do my homework now (blah)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well, there's a little snag on the
rabbit situation, but that should
take care of itself.
Symphony went well last night. I
just got home from puppet practice,
we have some pretty awesome stuff
for the spring show and summer tour!
Today was awesome!! I stolen
denise's iPod today at lunch and discovered
an awesome new artist (space cowboy)
he's a little techno, but he's pretty cool.
His album Digital Rockstarr is his best. His
song party like animal is pretty good.
I'll try to keep the rabbit situation updated.
I'm off to check email and do homework =/

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Day in Review

My dad is finally back from his mission trip and visiting my sister (in mexico). Now that he is finally back, I can get my rabbit!!

School today pretty much sucked. The only part I enjoyed was orchestra, as usual. I'm not at all getting used to being lactose intolerant, but I guess that it takes time.
I have Magic Valley Symphony rehearsal tonight, it should be rather interesting.

I spent most of my weekend cleaning my room and doing laundry, but it will all be worth it in the end, I hope.
I've been picked in advance to be president of my 4-H club, now I have to think of educational stuff for club meetings during the summer (ugh) but I do have a rather clever idea involving a friend that does great things for a charity company ;)

Well, I'm off to rehearsal, wish me luck!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Name Game

I need to think of a name for rabbit. I found a list of names on the internet, but i'm still not sure. I guess I will need to get my rabbit before I think of a name for him/her
Here's the list: (some of the names are very odd) (a * means that i like the name)

Basilio Bunnyfacio Rabbitnovitch
Bernadette (Bernie for short)
Gilligan (Gilly for short)*

Possibly going up to Boise to pick up my rabbit on saturday. Lets hope so!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Picture Post

^ baby south african boer goats (cute huh?)

                                                                ^Tuffy (my horse)

 ^ China wanted to play

                                                                     Hungry Captain>
                                                              ^The Old Man

more pictures to come!

A little about me

I've lived in the tiny town of Gooding, ID all my life. I've been involved in 4-H going on 5 years now; this is also my 1st year in FFA. I'm very active in both 4-H and FFA. I've been elected president of my 4-H club for the past 2 years. In the past few months my FFA team has competed and won at the district, state, and national levels. I'd also like to thank my FFA advisor, Mr. Woodland. 

I am also a Christian. Every summer, I get to take time away from my projects and go to an absolutely AWESOME camp. I have made many great friends through camp ;)

Friday, January 14, 2011


It's about that time! What time you may ask?

Time to get new 4-h and FFA project animals!!
This year I will be showing pigs, meat goats, and rabbits.
This weekend i'll be going to look at the new baby goats and piglets. (i'll try to post pictures)
I'll be getting my rabbit next week!!
She is a Harlequin Holland Lop, (this picture isn't her, i will post on her later)
check back!